Print back issues

Print copies of past issues of Graze magazine are available to U.S. addresses only. Customers outside the U.S. should view digital back issues. You can view your cart here.


October 2024 print back issue
October 2024 print back issue
• Bringing a new generation into dairy • Advisors on promoting legumes in pastures • Simple practices to prevent burnout • Plant intelligence and its implications • Grazing sheep to manage Canada thistles • Balancing change and tradition by asking "why?" • Managing parasitic nematodes in pastures • Grassfed forum shares their idea of the ideal grassfed cow • Farming without a formula
Price: $5.00
August-September 2024 print back issue
August-September 2024 print back issue
• Expanding raw milk sales through CSAs • Advisors: different vaccination programs • Omega-3 health benefits study • Top ten silvopasture trees for the Northeast • Thoughts on using the omega-3 study in grassfed marketing • Raw milk update on bird flu and demand • Efficient energy use for better profitability • Being a "sticker" in a drifter world
Price: $5.00
June-July 2024 print back issue
June-July 2024 print back issue
• Starting a farm with custom dairy heifers and direct market meat • Dealing with pasture compaction • Thoughts on “do good and taste great” market opportunities • Dealing with milk off-flavors • Building a custom grazing business with goats • Making top-quality stored forages for grassfed organic dairy • Finding peace in the pasture
Price: $5.00
May 2024 print back issue
May 2024 print back issue
• Starting a grass dairy in corn country • Dealing with pasture weeds • Dealing with off-flavors • Time to capitalize on grazing qualities • Making butter is hard • Dairy productivity vs. carbon capture • The real story behind food nutrient declines • "Product of USA" and grassfed marketing • A light touch and a long view
Price: $5.00
April 2024 print back issue
April 2024 print back issue
• Lessons learned from starting a creamery • A Kernza research update • Finding a work/life balance • Grass dairy needs new investment • Raw milk disputes • Sheep dairy • Economics of regenerative dairy • The new grassfed organic forum • Government by and for the people
Price: $5.00
March 2024 print back issue
March 2024 print back issue
• Filling a meat processing niche • Providing stock water • The need for new value-added dairy markets • Grassfed dairy benchmarks • A sheep success story • The power of epigenetics • A raw milk journey • Thinking deeper
Price: $5.00
February 2024 print back issue
February 2024 print back issue
• A grassfed dairy dream comes true • Advisors on feeding minerals in a grass-based system • Grazing needs new ways of thinking • What to do when predators threaten your sheep • Why pasture diversity matters • Beating stray voltage • Dairy selection and epigenetics • Selection has weakened immune systems • What to do when the brood cows leave
Price: $5.00
January 2024 print back issue
January 2024 print back issue
• A new wholesale option for direct marketers • Bale grazing for low-cost beef production • Getting better in 2024 • What beef can('t) teach dairy graziers • Farm economics • Sailing a different ship • "Stomp" seeding • Charting a grassfed dairy future • The importance of knowing where you are
Price: $5.00


December 2023 print back issue
December 2023 print back issue
• Cutting back, but making more • Thoughts on business expansion • The value of butterfat • $800/ton dry matter forage • Sheep and carbon • Soil organic matter isn't simple • Grassfed's soil nutrient challenges • The judgment
Price: $5.00
November 2023 print back issue
November 2023 print back issue
• Making milk without the grain scoop • Climate-proofing grass farms • Dealing with weird weather • Building soils fast • Going without goat fencing • Raising dairy heifers without grain • Adapting, adopting and thriving • More ideas for dealing with a long-term drought
Price: $5.00
October 2023 print back issue
October 2023 print back issue
• Grazing, organics and high milk production • Establishing pasture • Farm bill ideas that make sense • A big year for raw milk • A deep dive into grassfed's nutritional advantages • The tapeworm debate • "Bird Friendly" label can bring premiums • Turning trees into fence posts • Dealing with years of dry weather
Price: $5.00
August-September 2023 print back issue
August-September 2023 print back issue
• A business built on doing the right thing • The advisors on boosting milk quality • Cellular meat hype • Why grazing tactics must match your farm's abilities • Grassfed organic forum: Dealing with dry conditions • Sheep grazing through a drought • Building a successful raw milk market • Dr. Allen Williams: the consequences of our food choices • Bringing gardening thought to farming
Price: $5.00
June-July 2023 print back issue
June-July 2023 print back issue
• Expanding a farmstead meat facility • Small-scale dairy processing/marketing venture looks to increase sales • The advisors describe how they deal with ragged pastures • How a U.S. Supreme Court decision will affect the pork market • Fake meat is failing • Why, when and how to supplement grazing sheep • Humans are causing "natural" occurrences • Managing employees in a growing farm store business • Be careful with calf-sharing in raw milk dairy • Online farmers markets offer new opportunities • It's time to start facing agriculture's waste
Price: $5.00
April 2023 print back issue
April 2023 print back issue
• Raw milk sales drive a diversified business • Advisors on tracking pasture availability • Corn and beans and feeding the world • Planning a new grazing dairy • How to implement adaptive dairy grazing • Rapid chilling needed for raw milk sales • The ins and outs of forage insurance • A grassfed dairyman's confession • A life is more important than a mission
Price: $5.00
March 2023 print back issue
March 2023 print back issue
• Growing a diversified farming business • Getting cows bred • In defense of a pioneering book • Foodbank opportunities • Long rest periods for dairy pastures • Cleaning udders for raw milk production • No-grain dairy panel discusses feed supplements • In search of grassfed lactation consistency • Optimism about fixing our soils
Price: $5.00
February 2023 print back issue
February 2023 print back issue
• Grassfed aiding dairy quality of life • Ins and outs of bale grazing • Advisors on avoiding mud • Ruts, and growing more pasture • Grazing tips for 2023 • Producing low-risk raw milk • Building a barn • Good Meat Project promotes good meat • Hedging bets on an uncertain climate
Price: $5.00
January 2023 print back issue
January 2023 print back issue
• A new grassfed meats company seeks to make positive changes • Advisors: how we manage manure • Talking common sense about climate • What is pasture shade worth? • Revealed: the most common thing missing in soils • Putting sheep and silvopasture together • Grassfed forum: filling cows with forage • Be careful in breeding for A2A2 • Grazing's role in starting a new farm • Turning the page on a cattle business
Price: $5.00


December 2022 print back issue
December 2022 print back issue
• Quality meat, quality soils • Advisors: how we employ annual crops • Diesel mania • Measuring pasture with satellites • Getting paid for storing carbon • Dispelling silvopasture myths • Paying the piper for bad farming practices • The importance of what we're doing
Price: $5.00
November 2022 print back issue
November 2022 print back issue
• Making a go of 100% grassfed dairy • Advisors discuss winter feeding • Hard times for fake meat • Regenerative brush management, part 2 • Fenceless grazing update • Getting no-grain dairy cows into the barn • The Lean dairy farm • Living in a land of talking monkeys
Price: $5.00
October 2022 print back issue
October 2022 print back issue
• Tapping a big demand for raw milk • Advisors on how they grow more pasture • The promise and perils of grassfed dairy • Grazing through trying times • Raw milk interest surging • Janet McNally: More mistakes to avoid with livestock guardian dogs • Regenerative brush management • Costs force grassfed marketers to raise prices • Finding the grazing sweet spot between utilization and dry matter intake • Working on a complex soils problem
Price: $5.00
August-September 2022 print back issue
August-September 2022 print back issue
• Helmicks put family first with grazing shift • Advisors deal with pesky flies • Putting numbers to grazing's eco benefits • Growing a business with non-traditional leases • How to avoid common livestock guardian dog mistakes (part one) • Compass points to heifer grazing opportunities • Grassfed organic forum: transitioning to stored rations • Farmers know how to make choices
Price: $5.00
June-July 2022 print back issue
June-July 2022 print back issue
• Four simple tools for measuring soil health progress • Advisors on raising dairy heifers • High-end wholesale markets have their merits • The ins and outs of solar grazing • Grassfed dairy sales booming • Controlling thistles with sheep • Telling the public about your on-farm store • What works best for protecting planted trees on pasture • Kernza and the role of universities
Price: $5.00
May 2022 print back issue
May 2022 print back issue
• Catching up with some grazing and marketing innovators • Advisors on how they deal with seedheads • Regenified aims to take regenerative ag to the mainstream • Virtual fencing gains a U.S. toehold • Lessons learned from a bad custom grazing deal • Grassfed panel discusses raising dairy calves without grain • The sixth principle of soil health
Price: $5.00
April 2022 print back issue
April 2022 print back issue
• Focusing on food quality -- and life • Advisors tell how they're dealing with rising costs • Lambing outdoors in cold, wet weather • Putting numbers to soil compaction • Forging a grassfed skincare business • The pros and cons of metro grazing • Taking a deep dive into grassfed health benefits • Recognizing the oligarchs among us
Price: $5.00
March 2022 print back issue
March 2022 print back issue
• Maximizing the value of sheep dairy • Advisors justify their supplemental feeding • Dealing with foot rot in sheep • Concentrating on free stuff in a time of inflation • The economics of tree fodder and pods • A solar round bale drying update • Making money with grassfed dairy • Allen Williams: Disrupt your pastures! • People are also important to soil health
Price: $5.00
January 2022 print back issue
January 2022 print back issue
• Connecting graziers to consumers • A farm store added to our success • The perfect grazing cow • Bought-and-paid-for science • Working with nature for soil health • Grasses for the 100% grassfed dairy • Sheep mineral needs on pasture • Raw milk market report • Doing things together
Price: $5.00


December 2021 print back issue
December 2021 print back issue
• Relaxed intensity works for this beef grazier • How to have a climate-resilient farm • Advisors deal with dry cows • Winter grazing management for sheep • Grazing in an organic rotation • Ideas for finding and keeping good labor • The two raw milks • Encouraging change
Price: $5.00
November 2021 print back issue
November 2021 print back issue
• Farming in the midst of humanity • Advisors on how they save labor • Predictions for dairy's future • Educating consumers about raw milk safety • What the states allow for raw milk product sales • Direct grassfed sales report, one year later • Why you should support local agriculture • 100% grassfed dairy advisors discuss winter milk • Stepping away from our speeding economy
Price: $5.00
October 2021 print back issue
October 2021 print back issue
• From apprenticeship to dairy farm ownership • A new way to measure pasture • Advisors discuss soil fertility • In defense of measuring and monitoring • Drought reveals management truths • Can regenerative grazing affect the weather? • Silvopasture viewed as long-term investment • Madison Avenue doesn't have the answers; we do
Price: $5.00
August-September 2021 print back issue
August-September 2021 print back issue
• Growing a meat processing and marketing cooperative • Heifer Ranch aids new graziers • Advisors stretch their grazing seasons • Study your area's ecological history to understand what's possible • Ins and outs of the new carbon markets • Why you should avoid grazing stems • Ideas for turning a woodlot into silvopasture • Ensuring that cows and soils work together • Low-cost testing to limit raw milk pathogen risks • Agriculture can't keep doing what it's doing
Price: $5.00
June-July 2021 print back issue
June-July 2021 print back issue
• Grazing 300+ days a year in northern Pennsylvania • The ins and outs of alternative milking options • A once-a-day milking report • Advisors discuss their drought strategies • Grazier opportunities in a world of fake meat and milk • Getting a profitable start with sheep • Science backs adaptive grazing advantages • Managing for safe raw milk: keeping it clean • The tinder is dry; time to strike the match
Price: $5.00
May 2021 print back issue
May 2021 print back issue
• “Stock cropping” effort has lofty goals • Practical genetics: knock out the props • Advisors raise calves to weaning • Focusing on taste to sell grassfed • The economics of solar bale drying • How nurse cows can provide profitable options • Grassfed organic forum: soil fertility programs • Managing for safe raw milk • Linking blowing soil with the food supply
Price: $5.00
April 2021 print back issue
April 2021 print back issue
• A group of dairy graziers enlists community support for a marketing venture • Advisors on how they launch their spring grazing • In search of alternative marketing models • Solar round bale drying plans for 2021 • The power of nurse cows • Raw milk’s tremendous possibilities • Get your farm’s succession plan in order • We need to start valuing soil
Price: $5.00
March 2021 print back issue
March 2021 print back issue
• Solar round bale dryer shows promise • Why a dairyman decided not to build an on-farm creamery • Advisors: introductions and challenges • The future isn’t always what they say it is • Pricing your grassfed lamb for direct sales • Making sense of meat processing options • Grassfed organic forum: transitioning to spring grazing • Allen Williams: The roots of stewardship • Hopeful for agricultural policy change
Price: $5.00
January 2021 print back issue
January 2021 print back issue
• A young dairy grazing couple learns the value of patience • The Advisors describe their financial planning • Why he built a baleage dryer • Study shows variability in grassfed milk samples • Custom grazing proves to be a balancing act • When certification makes sense, and when it doesn’t • The future is looking good for regenerative agriculture • Grassfed organic forum: winter rations • He built an on-farm, USDA-inspected meat processing plant • Removing the old, building the new
Price: $5.00


December 2020 print back issue
December 2020 print back issue
• Bringing meat processing issues into focus • Co-grazing goats with cattle and sheep • Addressing the meat processing bottleneck • Transferring knowledge to the next generation • Learning the custom grazing business • Taking a look at value-added certification • Solving meat processing problems
Price: $5.00
November 2020 print back issue
November 2020 print back issue
• New neighbors offer markets to a Hudson River Valley dairy • An investor group helped dairy graziers expand • Advisors on how they want research to help them • Balancing income and labor • High on hedgerows • Take all research with a grain of salt • Defending bigger cows • The Bible on land reform
Price: $5.00
October 2020 print back issue
October 2020 print back issue
• A leap of faith into dairy processing • Advisors discuss weak links in their operations • Looking back at 20 years of Graze • How to solve a guardian dog problem • Moving from flock to flerd saved labor • Weaning ourselves from commodity agriculture • Grassfed/organic forum: What we look for in a cow • Real solutions are local
Price: $5.00
August-September 2020 print back issue
August-September 2020 print back issue
• A Pennsylvania grazier’s tips for producing great grassfed beef • Advisors balance milk and pasture productivity • How grassfed fits within a lab meat world • Taking the marketing leap • Corn grazing for milking cows • Keeping your guardian dog with the stock • Soil health lessons from the Serengeti • How to succeed with natural parasite control • Questions about climate and markets
Price: $5.00
June-July 2020 print back issue
June-July 2020 print back issue
• An Ohio sheep grazier taps a premium lamb market • Finding a mating strategy that works for dairy graziers • Advisors and Dr. Hue Karreman offer pinkeye solutions • No simple, easy or cheap grassfed milk testing on the horizon • A New York grazing couple launches a promising milk bottling business • Ten tips for summer grazing • Grassfed organic forum: making and buying stored forage • Tips for milking three times in two days • The problem of too much customer demand
Price: $5.00
May 2020 print back issue
May 2020 print back issue
• Farm marketers see surging sales due to pandemic • Allen Williams: chinks showing in food industry’s armor • Advisors detail how they deal with bloat • Pandemic points to future possibilities for the little guy • Once-daily calf feeding works for these dairy graziers • Janet McNally: managing rank pasture growth with sheep • Personal breeding indexes for dairy graziers • Jim VanDerPol: booming sales and question marks
Price: $5.00
April 2020 print back issue
April 2020 print back issue
• Keeping a farm in the family • Advisors explain why they aren’t going to no-grain rations • Grassfed beef market pressured by imports • To succeed, differentiate • Producers like their concrete cow sidewalks • Allen Williams: why we need regenerative agriculture • No-grain dairy forum returns • The dangers of modern dairy breeding methods • What to do while waiting for others to change
Price: $5.00
March 2020 print back issue
March 2020 print back issue
• Fall calving and no-grain milk production • Cow comfort affects no-grain success • Advisors deal with pasture weeds • The great grassfed butter gold rush • A good handling system makes sheep more fun • Dr. Allen Williams: Returning the land to what it once was • Understanding customer psychology • Grazing Kernza • Managing swards for decades, not years • We’re all in this together
Price: $5.00
February 2020 print back issue
February 2020 print back issue
• Doing what it takes to launch a grass dairy • Advisors tell what’s new for the coming year • Jon Bansen: creating resilience to survive tough times • The need to do something different • Looking for ways to boost forage productivity • Graziers offer more thoughts on once-a-day milking • A map of how the states regulate raw milk distribution • Dr. Allen Williams: soil health requires living organisms • 20 rules to live by in your farming life
Price: $5.00
January 2020 print back issue
January 2020 print back issue
• Ohio and Pennsylvania dairy graziers happy with once-a-day milking • Analyzing the pluses and minuses of once-a-day milking • Advisors on how they boost milk quality • The benefits of diverse monocultures • A pastured-pig producer eyes improvements for 2020 • Dr. Allen Williams: Open your eyes to the impacts of modern agriculture • Sizing paddocks to avoid overgrazing • Jim Van Der Pol: Returning livestock and people to the land
Price: $5.00


December 2019 print back issue
December 2019 print back issue
• Pennsylvania dairy finds grazing better than plowing • Advisors assess a difficult 2019 • Telling the real story about fake meats • Putting grazing at the forefront of value-added • Finishing lambs when the rain won’t stop • 2018 financial reports from organic dairies • Raw butter ban challenged • Mob grazing as a tool • How I got my cattle out of the mud
Price: $5.00
November 2019 print back issue
November 2019 print back issue
• Two New York dairy families see “micro” as the way to go • Advisors: To vaccinate, or not? • The problem with grazing-based research • Grazing as a low-cost alternative • Lambing in the cold rain • Sorting stock all by yourself • The crises of farm people and their land
Price: $5.00
October 2019 print back issue
October 2019 print back issue
• An Iowa dairy grazier’s soil health strategies • Advisors discuss soil fertility, part 2 • Are micro-dairies the answer? • Reasons for family farm optimism • Mob vs. rotational grazing in the Northeast • Regenerating soils with cattle and pigs • More unintended consequences from our farming practices • Grass follows the cows • Work as something more than money
Price: $5.00
August-September 2019 print back issue
August-September 2019 print back issue
• Catching up with some of the farmers we’ve featured • Advisors describe their soil fertility strategies • What was with those ultra-low milk urea nitrogen readings? • Unintentional consequences from our conventional farming • Fake meat, big money • Organic fly control ideas • Learning to manage through the mud • A victory for raw butter
Price: $5.00
May 2019 print back issue
May 2019 print back issue
• What we’ve learned about robotic milking in a grazing situation • The fallacy of “feeding the world” • Adding legumes to pastures • How to use pigs for improving soils • “100% grassfed” dairy producers describe their challenges • Not all grassfed beef is created equal • Farm programs for the people
Price: $5.00
April 2019 print back issue
April 2019 print back issue
• How good grazing helps make award-winning cheeses • Addressing the farming side of a direct-market business • Getting water to pastures • How to build a regenerative movement • How to make internet marketing work for you • Improving pastures • Soil and people health
Price: $5.00
February 2019 print back issue
February 2019 print back issue
• A locker plant tells a sustainable meat story • Feeding forages to improve butterfat tests • Advisors on what works for improving solids tests • Price alone won’t solve agriculture’s problems • Lack of grazing skills hurting the grassfed dairy sector • Confronting mental health challenges in tough times • “Living barns” can offer effective low-cost shelter • How farmers can define grassfed dairy • Minnesota trial: outdoor pack wintering is cost effective • In these times, we need each other
Price: $5.00
January 2019 print back issue
January 2019 print back issue
• A grass-based dairyman calculates the value of pasture • Maple Hill Creamery’s founder optimistic about the future of grassfed dairy • Advisors on how they’re dealing with tough times • Lessons learned in grazing sheep • How to restore land with pastured pigs • A new day in soil testing • What grassfed dairy needs to do to keep growing • Grassfed organic forum: describing the challenges of making milk • How a sorghum-sudangrass mix saved our summer • Agriculture must change to serve the people
Price: $5.00


December 2018 print back issue
December 2018 print back issue
• Why a cheesemaker values well-managed grazing • Wet weather forces changes in grazing management • Advisors on how they get minerals into their dairy cows • There’s too much rugged individualism in agriculture Tackling cobalt deficiency in pastured sheep • Soil microbes will mine minerals if you give them a chance • Study showed special taste and functional qualities of grassfed milk • What to do if it won’t stop raining?
Price: $5.00
November 2018 print back issue
November 2018 print back issue
• Building a grassfed genetic base • Raising replacement dairy heifers • Dealing with robots and such • New group promoting authentic grassfed • Organic dairy study shows who’s making money, and who isn’t • What to do when local marketing isn’t enough • Grassfed organic forum: dealing with wacky weather • The wonders of plant-microbe symbiosis • The dark side of our technological progress
Price: $5.00
August-September 2018 print back issue
August-September 2018 print back issue
• Cutting the grain and boosting the fatty acid profile of pastured pork • Advisors manage their fall pastures • Is there a sulfur-butterfat relationship? • NOP is the problem, not Aurora Organic • Buying cows for a new beef cow-calf operation • Gabe Brown and Allen Williams tell of cover crop success stories • Grassfed organic forum: addressing lower milk prices • Managing vegetation in silvopastures • Seeking answers to flooding problems
Price: $5.00
June-July 2018 print back issue
June-July 2018 print back issue
• Gabe Brown and Allen Williams: how to avoid cover crop failures • Janet McNally on making cover crops work for sheep • Advisors on how to manage summer grass • Time to start focusing on butter and burgers • Real Organic Project seeks higher grazing standards • New grassfed markets opening in the Northeast • Butterfat key to solving organic’s problems • Marketing milk as beef • Human management, not rote labor
Price: $5.00
May 2018 print back issue
May 2018 print back issue
• Manning Hill Farm bottles and sells milk in a tough New England market • Advisors tell how they get their cows bred • Dos and don’ts for selling your own milk • Starting a grazing farm from scratch • Silvopasture: how to get grass growing in a newly harvested timber stand • Ugly things happen when we farm against nature. • Grassfed organic forum: controlling flies • The case against clipping pastures • What’s learned from a long-abandoned farm
Price: $5.00
April 2018 print back issue
April 2018 print back issue
• Breitkreutzes do what it takes in building soil health • Advisors discuss their perfect cow • Facing modern dairy realities • Why cows aren’t bad for the environment • Getting a grip on grassfed dairy costs • Allen Williams explains adaptive grazing • Organic producers must tell their story if they are going to survive • A university professor says it’s time to take raw milk seriously • Thoughts on feeding skim milk to pigs
Price: $5.00
March 2018 print back issue
March 2018 print back issue
• Amos Nolt seeks balance and 15,000-lb. herd average without grain • Average no-grain production costs are sky high • Advisors tell how they handle manure • How to stop penalizing springtime milk • Proving the benefits of sward diversity • Janet McNally’s picks for best pasture sheep breeds • How to thin a woodlot with pasture in mind • Organic forum: cow treatment strategies • Gabe Brown: standard soil tests aren’t telling the story • Jim Van Der Pol: Our agriculture needs a new language
Price: $5.00
February 2018 print back issue
February 2018 print back issue
• Wisconsin Grass-fed Beef Co-op finds niche in competitive sector • Advisors describe their milking set up • Pasture math for healthy soils and wallets • Improving any kind of soil • McNally on sheep breeds for pasture (part one) • Two takes on markets and the future of grassfed dairy • Farmers need not be alone in their struggles
Price: $5.00